Brigitte Haston MA, MBACP.

I am a qualified Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor with an MA from Roehampton University. 

I have since been working at a large GP practice in SW London seeing clients referred to me by their GP for a variety of issues - mostly anxiety and depression.

I have also worked at an Academy school as a sixth form counsellor which has given me experience working with young adults in this transitional stage of their life.  I have a particular interest in helping young adults to develop coping mechanisms to deal with the pressures of university and working life.

Connect for a free 10 minute conversation.


Prior to becoming a Psychotherapist:

I worked in the business world of corporate public relations which helped me understand the wish for a solution driven approach. I practise mindfulness which provides a counter balance to the urge to spend excessive time planning for the future rather than being rooted in the present.

My qualifications:

MA in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy - Roehampton University (BACP accredited)

Level 3 Counselling Skills Working with Children - Place2Be (CPCAB accredited)

Diploma in Business Studies - London School of Economics

BA (Hons) German/French - Durham

CPD and other training:

Addiction Training at Gamcare 2017

Cognitive behavioural therapy training 2018

Exisitential Psychotherapy in person with Ernesto Spinelli 2018

Holistic Psychotherapy Summit 2023


If you have any questions at all about counselling or psychotherapy that you’d like to ask before committing to a phone call, please feel free to email me.